


Features: Cedar Key News St Patty`s Party at The Cedar Key Community Center
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Clamerica Kaleidescope, July 4, 2009

Clamerica Kaleidescope, July 4, 2009

Jim Hoy

Proud Marines served as color guards at the head of the Clamerica Fourth of July celebration parade.

Two dancing trees cavorted in celebration of the newly planted trees along Cedar Key streets

Levy County Commissioners Danny Stevens, Nancy Bell, Lillie Rooks and Marsha Drew (l. to r.) joined the parade down Second Street.

A young woman admires the emerging sand sculpture at Clamerica.

One of the many who tried to reach the twenty dollar bill at the top of the greased pole at Clamerica.

Eager judges await the invitation to sample from the seven special clam dishes presented by Cedar Key restaurants.

Peter Stefani serving an Island Room special dish.

Jimmy of Frog's Landing serves up a specialty dish.

Four kayakers start off on a Clamerica fun run, led from start to finish by Devin Littlefield.

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Cedar Key News