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Writing Keeps Local Author Terri DuLong Busy

Writing Keeps Local Author Terri DuLong Busy


Cedar Key author Terri DuLong with her dogs Duncan (left) and Brie.

Whether it is the solitude or the beauty of Cedar Key, a number of novels have come from the pens of local authors in recent years. Terri DuLong is one of those authors. She says she has been writing "all her life." In the past ten years her writing has produced several novels, with more in the offing.

Ms. DuLong has received critical recognition, as evidenced by the Florida Writers Association Royal Palm Awards, first for her Lost Souls of the Witches` Castle and second for Immoral Symphony co-authored with William Bonner. Both books and another are available at the Cedar Key Library.

With a new novel, Spinning Forward, coming to book stores in November, and another now in a publisher`s hands, Ms. DuLong`s schedule has become more crowded than ever. An upcoming Romance Writers of America conference in Washington, D.C. precedes a July 15 presentation of her next (currently untitled) novel to reviewer and booksellers. Furthermore, she has a contract to write a novella for joint publication in a collection featuring bestselling author Fern Michaels and two other authors.

Starting early in the morning, with a short lunch break, Ms. DuLong writes for seven or eight hours each day. This shows that retired Registered Nurse DuLong is committed to her new career. She places her characters in settings with which she is familiar. The characters are composites of people she has known, in situations that reflect her concerns for social problems, particularly women`s issues. DuLong`s readers will occasionally note a French influence that stems from family background and time spent in France, with husband Ray due to his work and as a tourist as well.

Despite her work schedule, Ms. DuLong finds time to read. To Kill a Mocking Bird is her all-time favorite novel. However, a young Australian novelist, Kate Morton has left a big impression. When asked what advice she has for aspiring authors, the answer was "Write, write, write!" In addition, she advises awareness of the demands of the publishing industry as a topic of study.

Whether one is looking for a novel based on history, mystery or romance, Terri DuLong may be the author for you.

Spinning Forward will be in book stores in November.

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