


Features: Levy County History
June 24th, 2004

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June 24th, 2004

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Features: Levy County History
June 17th, 2004

Features: Levy County History
June 10th, 2004

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June 10th, 2004

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June 4th, 2004

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Features: Genealogy Society Compiles Pictorial History of Levy County People, Places and Events
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Features: Levy County History
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May 13th, 2004


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

142 years ago

22 February 1860 - The following notice appeared in The Telegraph, a Cedar Key newspaper: LUMBER! LUMBER! The undersigned having taken charge of, and thoroughly repaired the Mills of the SUWANNEE LUMBER COMPANY, at Cedar Keys, respectfully inform the public that they are prepared to furnish Lumber, at any quantity, and of the best quality, at reasonable prices, for CASH, and would respectfully elicit orders. Wm. Bowman & Company.

94 years ago

03 August 1908 - The Levy County Board of Public Instruction established a school at the Gulf Hammock Hotel. The Board approved the sum of $20.00 per month for six months as salary for a teacher.

51 years ago

15 June 1953 - Chapter 29246 (House Bill #141) was enacted by the Legislature of the State of Florida and provided the following: "It shall be unlawful for livestock to run at large or stray within the limits of Levy County, Florida, and no owner shall permit livestock to run at large or stray upon the public highways or lands of another person in said county, but shall keep such livestock confined within enclosure which is suitably and sufficiently fenced for the holding and keeping of same".

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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