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Clothe A Child 2012

Clothe A Child 2012

Mary Stone

This article is the Sixth in a series describing the various community
efforts that are being undertaken in the local area to support local families
and help them make ends meet.

Cedar Key does have a "Clothe A Child" program that helps to provide warm winter clothing for children in need. Today Pam Alexander provides leadership for the program and Arno Webster is the committee`s longest serving member. The program has survived several transitions from a clothing bank, to a clothing exchange to it`s present form.

In 1995 Diane Taylor, at that time a pre-school teacher in Cedar Key, said to her adult Sunday School Class "We`ve had our first cold snap and I have children coming to school in sandles and thin t-shirts". A planning committee with representatives from all the Cedar Key Churches and the school set up a "Children`s Clothing Exchange" to enable families to pass good, but outgrown clothing to those who needed the clothes. Teachers and school personnel helped identify the clothing needs. Original committee members included Virginia Walrath, Margaret Brooks, Vanessa Edmunds, Arno Webster, Marty Healy, Helen Thornsen and Mary Stone.

Financial contributions were collected through the churches and deposited in a separate account under the Cedar Key Methodist Church Women. Citizens and organizations gave clothing generously to the clothing bank. Cedar Key churches participating continue to include First Baptist, United Methodist, Church of Christ, Episcopal and when formed, the Rosewood Baptist. The Lions Club is a major contributor.

After a few years of collecting, sorting and distributing mountain of donated clothing it became apparent that it was better to buy contemporary moderately priced new clothing to fit specific children, and program name was changed to "Clothe A Child". Again school personnel identified needs and provided ingotmation on sizes.

Clothe A Child has purchased jackets, jeans, shirts, socks, underwear, and shoes as needed. A number of families have benefited from this program. The present committee includes Pam Alexander, Judy Duvall, Arno Webster, Laura Robinson, and Mary Stone.

If you wish to contribute to the program checks may be made payable to "Clothe A Child" and given to any local church. Donations may also be mailed directly to the Cedar Key United Methodist Church, P. O. Box 338, Cedar Key, FL 32625.

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