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Early Birds Take Wing

Early Birds Take Wing

Jim Hoy

Photos By Martin Hathaway, Para-Flyers of Florida

What do you get when you attach a parasail to a lawn chair with a propeller? A lot of fun! Eight buddies and a retired couple spent May 5-7 taking off from the Cedar Key airport in improbable flying machines that can fit in the back of a station wagon. No pilot`s license required, but a little training is recommended. Flying higher than 13,000 feet is against the rules. Check eBay for bargain equipment.

These folks go flying three to five times a year, or more. This is the first time they have visited Cedar Key. Avid photographer Marty Hathaway provided most of the pictures. Most of the flyers are on their way to a national fly-in in Panama City where the expect to see about 200 other pilots.

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Cedar Key News