


Features: Liberty and Justice
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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
March 28th, 2005

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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

116 years ago

02 November 1886 - Election Inspectors and Clerk F.M. Spicer, Francis M. Ingram, B.C. Hall, and C.D. Craig filed the following certificate of the Result of Election for the voting precinct located at Rosewood: Votes cast for Representative in Congress: R.H.M. Davidson, 8 and Charles B. Pendleton, 13.

Votes cast for State Senator: William R. Coulter, 22 and Syd L. Carter, none.

Votes cast for member of Assembly: Joseph P. Phelps, 11; Newton A. Blitch, 4; and James L. Cottrell, 8.

Votes cast for Constable: F.S. Bushnell, 1.

94 years ago

01 April 1909 - Mr. Dorset, superintendent of the Sumner school met with the Levy County Board of Public Instruction to request that the Geiger Creek school be consolidated with the Sumner school. He asked that the $20.00 per month appropriated by the Board for the Geiger Creek school be divided to allow $12.00 to go for transporting pupils from Geiger Creek School to the Sumner school and the balance to go to supplement the teacher`s salary. The Board approved the request.

78 years ago

03 March 1925 - At 11:00 A.M. the Levy County Chamber of Commerce met in the Court House with the County Commissioners adjourning their meeting to attend in a body. Judge Willis gave his legal and personal opinion of the necessity of taking some steps to get the county into harmony so that the county could get roads constructed. Talks were made by Hon. S.J. Gunn; T.W. Shands; A.F. Knotts; J.C. Sale; W.S. Yearty; W.R. Hodges; W.M. Fowler and other prominent men on the subject of good roads, but there was a difference of opinion as to the best way to go about getting them. Mr. Fowler plead for harmony in the county and Mr. Knotts spoke of the necessity and willingness to be taxed to make good roads. Mr. Hodges was of the opinion that if we want good roads in Levy County then the way to get them would be to go down into our own pockets and get them and not wait on the State department.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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