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Features: Levy County History
April 25th, 2005


Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

101 years ago

30 June 1902 - Judge Ben Friedman, County Court Judge of Levy County, made and entered an order to Virginia Prevatt, Administratix of the Estate of Hampton Smith to sell all the accounts and notes belonging to the deceased. The notice of the sale was published for four weeks in the "Cedar Key Hustler," a weekly newspaper published in Cedar Key, according to an Affidavit of Publication signed by S.A. Fackler, Editor and Publisher.

83 years ago

30 June 1920 - The fourteenth census of the United States was conducted by the Department of Commerce, Bureau of the Census. Enumerators counted all the men, women and children in Levy County and came up with a population figure of 9,921 persons. The total for each precinct was as follows:

Precinct 1, Bronson 773
Precinct 2, Levyville 518
Precinct 3, Otter Creek (Ellzey) 399
Precinct 4, Cedar Keys 759
Town of Cedar Key - 695
Cedar Key area - 64
Precinct 5, Lebanon 769
Precinct 6, Montbrook 387
Precinct 7, Williston 1,786
Town of Williston - 823
Williston area - 963
Precinct 8, Morriston 619
Precinct 9, Sumner 640
Precinct 10, Judson 669
Precinct 11, Raleigh (Shell Pond) 617
Precinct 12, Red Hollow 193
Precinct 13, Chiefland 790
Precinct 14, Inglis 394
Precinct 15, Janney 440
Precinct 16, Gunntown (Gulf Hammock) 168

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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