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Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

139 years ago

29 January 1864 - Governor John Milton informed General Pierre Beauregard, commanding the Department of South Carolina, Georgia, and Florida that Confederate army deserters were organizing themselves into bands in the state.

The areas of the strongest groups were in Lafayette, Washington, Walton, Taylor, and Levy Counties in West Florida. The deserters were also operating in strong bands from Tampa to Fort Myers in Southwest Florida.

118 years ago

01 June 1885 - Mr. D.W. Blitch appeared before the Levy County Board of County Commissioners to apply for a license to operate a ferry across the Withlacoochee River at Blitches ferry. Commissioner Samuel H. Highsmith requested that Blitch file a good and sufficient bond in the sum of $400. Blitch agreed to comply and was then granted a license for a term of ten years.

The ferryage charges were .75¢ for a horse or ox team of four animals; .30¢ for a buggy and horse; .20¢ for a man and horse; and .10¢ for a footman. The rates were to be double for service performed in the night time. The ferry was to be left open from daylight till dark and no one was to be detained longer than 30 minutes.

81 years ago

06 October 1922 - The Williston Chamber of Commerce listed the following types of businesses located in the area to serve residents: The Citizens Bank; The Bank of Williston; nine general stores; one grocery; one dry goods; one furniture; one hardware; two drug stores; one bakery; two meat and groceries; one confectionery; one hotel; one restaurant; one real estate office; one jeweler and gunsmith; two barber shops; four garages; and one blacksmith and wheelwright.

From the Archives & History Center
Levy County Clerk`s Office
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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