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Walking with God - "Wow That`s Heavy!"

Walking with God - "Wow That`s Heavy!"

Chris Martin

I have a confession to make. I am a packrat. You know what I mean because you probably are one, too. I have kept so much stuff (or junk, as my wife calls it) over the years that I often forget how much I have. But, you never know when you just might need one of those items and I will be the only person around with what you are looking for!

Sorting through my stuff a few weeks ago, I found many special "mementos" that I have cherished for years. Some of the keepsakes included a worn-out baseball from my college days, a broken golf club (that I will repair, one day), an old picture frame that I made in Vacation Bible School, and many, many more. Eventually, I will display these treasures for my grandchildren to see, but until then, I'll just keep carrying them around and carrying them around and...

Wait a minute! Don't be thinking like you're any different! I'm not the only one. You do it, too. You know, if you had to suddenly move tomorrow, that big U-Haul truck would be so full of worthless junk, you wouldn't know what to keep or throw away. Every garage sale in town combined couldn't compare with all of your stuff. You are just accustomed to carrying it around and carrying it around. Before long, you`ll begin to realize, "Wow! That's heavy!!!" – and that's just the physical burdens you have.

That's right. We haven't even begun to discuss your spiritual burdens. You might be thinking, "We don't have to go there." But, sure we do – Jesus did. He is the one that said you really don't need to carry all those burdens around anymore. You know the ones. You've carried them far too long already. Burdens like guilt, shame, hate, bitterness, envy, pride, anger, failed opportunities, lost dreams, and unforgotten problems that should have been forgiven. The list goes on and on and on. You probably picked some burdens up this morning on your way out the door like worry, stress, and some others that we just keep hanging on to. Would you like to get rid of some of that baggage? Join me as we look at where Jesus tells us how in Matthew 11:28-30.

"Come to Me, all who are weary and heavy-laden, and I will give you rest." Mt 11:28

Step One – Come to Jesus

If you are heavy laden? That's an understatement! The things of life that can burden a soul are all pretty heavy, and you have to have help with them. Sometimes a brother or a sister can help for a while, or sometimes a mama or daddy can help for a while, but Jesus is the only one that can help forever. Whenever we realize that we cannot carry our burdens, Jesus is there to give us rest.

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Mt 11:29-30

Step Two – Take His Yoke

A yoke is the wooden binding placed around a bull's neck to attach a plowing harness. That sounds rough, and it is. Your burdens are the yoke that you are carrying and they are too heavy for you to bear. Our burdens pull on us and are an unwelcome labor to our lives. As Jesus is speaking, the phrase "take My yoke" meant to become His disciple, or His follower. Becoming a disciple is to believe in Jesus as your Savior and live for Him as your Lord. We have to submit our yoke to His hands and accept His yoke as an exchange.

"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and humble in heart and you will find rest for your souls. For My yoke is easy and My burden is light." Mt 11:29-30

Step Three – Learn From Him

We have often heard the statement "To know him is to love him." That may be said about many people as an excuse for their actions, but in this case it is very true. To know more about Jesus and to know more of Jesus is to truly love Him. Unless we learn and follow Him, we will never experience the lighter yoke. Oh, we may learn a little, but we will quickly forget and take up our old yoke again. To learn from Jesus is to learn to live for Him and in Him.

Let's recap what we have been discussing. His yoke is easy. I'm all for that! And His burden is light. I'm for that, too! Jesus promises that He will give us rest if we give our burdens to Him. Wouldn't you like some rest? Besides, there is no way you can work for Him when you are carrying around all of that baggage. If you have ever struggled at the airport with too much luggage, you know exactly what I mean.

So, why don't you choose today to take advantage of the offer that Jesus is giving you and trade your burdens for the life He has in store for you.

My name is Chris Martin and I hope that you are enjoying a great day just walking with God.

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