


Features: Levy County History
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Features: Levy County History
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Levy County History

Levy County History

Toni Collins

178 years ago

31 January 1824 - From the Niles' Register newspaper: A new site for the seat of government of Florida, has lately been selected by commissioners appointed for that purpose. The spot chosen is about a mile S.W. from the old deserted fields of Tallahassi, about half a mile south of the old Okilokony and Tallahassi Trail; 18 miles north from Fort St. Marks; 15 miles N.W. from the head of navigation of the St. Mark's river, and 10 miles N.E. from the head of the Wa-Kulla, which is navigable to its source. The surrounding country is represented to be beautifully variegated with hill and dale, and covered with the finest timber. The lands are said to be the best in the territory of Florida, and are peculiarly adapted to the cultivation of cotton and sugar cane.

The Niles' Register - 31 January 1824/pg. 338

119 years ago

23 February 1883 - The Levy Enterprise advertised the services of several Cedar Key businesses. W.H. Brown was a dealer in groceries, dry goods, ready made clothing, boots and shoes and bought and sold country produce. The business was located next to the Post Office. R.L. Holzendorf dealt in fresh meats, vegetables and country produce and was located next door west of Woolridge's Drug Store. J.S. Bodiford was a wholesale and retail dealer of drugs, medicines, chemicals, and perfumery. The Magnolia House recently opened with T.L. Carter as Proprietor. L. Savarese & Brother were wholesale dealers in shad, fresh and salt water fish of all kinds and had a location in both Savannah, Georgia and Cedar Key. The City Barber Shop, located in the Magnolia House, was owned by C.H. Benson. A visitor to Cedar Key could stay at the Prevatt House, J.A. Erickson, Proprietor, for $1.00 per day or $5.00 per week. D. Graham, watch maker, jeweler and seller of watches, clocks and all kinds of spectacles and eye glasses was located in the Yulee Building.

Levy Enterprise - 03 February 1883

From the public records of Levy County,
Danny J. Shipp, Clerk of Court

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