Capt. Dan, center, holds the huge redfish caught and released by Jared Powers (top) and his son Jake (left) and Seth Fagin (right). Those are some happy boys.
Hey folks, if you live in Florida, you know we have had some beautiful weather this spring. That groundhog sure knew what he was seeing when it was predicted we`d have an early spring. The flowers are blooming and the crops are springing up, and all the fish around the Cedar Keys are flopping around everywhere. I caught mackerel the last week of February. That is very early for mackerel. the speckled trout are all over the grassy "flats," and the redfish are schooling past the oyster bars. I have seen cobia in shallow water and had one strip all the line off a reel.  Susan Moody shows off her redfish.
I took Susan Moody and her friend Stefanie Wilcox out recently. In the photos, you can see Susan with her redfish and Stefanie holding her trout. We left at high tide and ran right out to Seahorse Key and slid up to a favorite oyster bar of mine and threw out "meat on the bottom;" that is shrimp with a weighted leader so it lays right on the bottom right next to the bar. We were talking about all the birds roosting on Seahorse Key when Susan`s rod started to jump around, then WHAM! the line went taught and the red was on. She was so happy. It was just what she wanted to do. She`s a good fisherperson and knew how to handle the fish.  Capt. Dan nets Susan Moody's redfish.
About five minutes laters, she brought it alongside, and I netted it up and measured it at 24.5 inches. We caught a lot of different fish during our four hours out, and Stefanie also got just the one she was looking for. Trout and redfish, deelicious.  Stefanie Wilcox is happy with her trout.
I filletted their fish, and they went back to their hotel, where the chef is happy to prepare them for their dinner. That`s fresh.  Making memories with Capt. Dan: Craig Fagin and his son, Seth, left; and Jared Powers and his son, Jake.
Another group picture is from April 8, when Jared Powers and his son Jake and friend Seth and yours truly, Capt. Dan, are shown with a 28.5 inch red we had to release right after we took this hurried and not-so-accurate picture. Folks, fishing has really exploded out around Cedar Key area, and the weather has cooperated so well. It`s a great pastime. Make some memories and eat some fresh fish. Thanks. Capt. Dan 352-221-5463. http://www.inshorefloridafishing.com |