


Letters to the Editor: Solid Waste Solutions
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Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Comments About Restaurant
November 19th, 2009

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November 1st, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Letters: Concern Over Business Name
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June 14th, 2009

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Letters to the Editor: Thank You, Cedar Key
May 24th, 2009

Letters to the Editor: Missing Joel and Dick
May 22nd, 2009


Go GW Go!

Go GW Go!

Letters to the Editor


Not being into holiday movies, after going to Perry (FL) this Thanksgiving Day for the feast and family thanks, upon return to home sweet home in Cedar Key, I settled down to CNN and looking forward to Larry King Live, this particular show especially - with two of my all-time favorites, Andy Griffith and Don Knotts, as they took a little trip back in time to Mayberry. Low and behold, before that fast forward, however, a special news report live from Bagdad caught my eye as I settled on the sofa. One of the military brass was announcing that the troops celebrating Thanksgiving together in this particular place in Bagdad were about to hear a special message from the President of the USA and he was asking if there was someone who could read the message...then, low and behold, out around the corner came GW! Those soldiers were not the only ones on their feet and cheering last night. He wasn`t the only one with a tear in his eye, either. I was overwhelmed. What a perfect conclusion to our country`s day of special Thanks for being as blessed as we all have been, no matter what our circumstances have been or are at present. Watching that special part of our history unfold before my eyes, all my troubles became suddenly so small and put things even more in perspective.

Even Good Morning America folks this morning didn`t try to turn this around to make it something wrong or bad, as they usually do where GW and other Republicans are concerned. I expected this to happen, but they were more gracious than usual today. However, later in the day someone finally managed to drag some Iraq people into this who griped that the President did not come to them. Talk about missing the whole point here. Reminds me of the old saying about bringing a horse to water.

This Thanksgiving will not be marred for me by those who are not happy unless they spoil something for someone somewhere. Thanksgiving 2003 was made even more so very, very special by our President, George W. Bush, leading the way in showing this world what Americans are all about. For this Thanksgiving Day, I thank you, Mr. President, for adding this blessing to our special day this year.


Ann Burch
Cedar Key

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