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Letters to the Editor: The Gulf Trail`s Future
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Clarification for the Record

Clarification for the Record

Letters to the Editor

At the December 9 meeting of the Cedar Key Commission Michael Raftis made a personal attack on my contributions and his assumed lack of my contributions to the Cedar Key community.

He called me a liar, based on an error in the minutes of a meeting that he did not attend. At the November Commission meeting I had said that the Cedar Key Beacon has only sixty-eight subscriptions in Levy County and that it was a waste of money to use the Beacon as a means of public notice. In fact, a public document filed by the Cedar Key Beacon in October of 2003 stated that there are only sixty-eight subscriptions in Levy County. I have a copy of that document.

Furthermore, Mr. Raftis said, "None of us have seen him (Hoy) contribute a minute of his time to volunteering to help any organization in town or the community as a whole." He has not been present when I have been a docent many times at the Historical Museum or when giving children`s music programs at the Cedar Key Arts Center. Also, Cedar Key News is a volunteer group in which I participate on a regular basis.

Many of Mr. Raftis` comments at the Commission meeting were inaccurate or misleading. I hope this letter clarifies the record.


James B. Hoy, Managing Editor, Cedar Key News

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