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Changing Parties

Changing Parties

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

I am writing as a daughter of the South, a daughter of Old North Florida, and a former Southern Democrat. Raised in a family of Southern Baptists, Southern Democrats, the two went hand-in-hand for years where I grew up. The Democratic Party, as the old saying goes, "ain't what it used to be," which is putting it mildly. J. D. and I changed our voting status to Republican Party in the mid 1990's and never looked back. He was proud of that to the day he died. It is hard for me to believe that folks like me (like we were then) that are still members of the Democratic Party actually endorse and believe what they are standing for now, as supporters of the so-called "gay" marriages (no, this is not gay bashing in any form, so please don't read into this what isn't there), attacks on patriotism, forcing their liberal agenda on the American public, and forget freedom of religion where the Ten Commandments are concerned, just for a few cases in point. The Ten Commandments has no place in public places?? Where do they think these rights came from in the first place?? Unless it is sanctioned by the liberal arm of the DNC there is no tolerance for freedom of speech other than theirs. The negative response by some tv shows regarding the movie, "The Passion of Christ," was appalling to say the least, which is another case in point of how standing for the Christian way, so to speak, is attacked by a liberal press being used as a tool. Good Morning America's Diane Sawyer actually looked put out, maybe even angry when called down one day during an interview as she tried so hard to focus on how violent the movie was and shouldn't be watched by certain groups of people, mainly children. Those decisions are not yet theirs to make, hard as they are trying to make it so, and it is way past time to tell them to knock it off. There were other "issues" surrounding this movie that have been just as ridiculous. It is time to tell the DNC to knock it off too. I am proud that I became a member of the Republican Party then and am even more proud of that today. Now is the time, more than ever, to take a stand as a patriot and as a Christian. We are in a mess, in many ways, and the Republican Party is not to blame for that. The Democratic Party has deteriorated over the years to being so much decency is not, I fear. I doubt that my letter will change anyone's mind, but maybe, just maybe, give someone something to think about.


Ann Burch

Ann Burch (Ms.)

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