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Letters to the Editor: The Gulf Trail`s Future
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Great Celebration!

Great Celebration!

Letters to the Editor

What A Great ClamAmerica Celebration!

The Cedar Key Lions Club wishes to recognize the efforts of the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association in making the ClamAmerica celebration such a successful event. The day was well planned and fun packed for all the attendees. It was great to see the park full of people enjoying a taste of Cedar Key -- both in terms of the good food and our small town hospitality.

The Lions Club is especially appreciative of the generous donation of bottled water by Patty Lowman Galyean, candidate for Clerk of Court, to `our club. Because we had not adequately purchased drinks for the number of event attendees, we sold out all of our drinks very early. Ms. Galyean`s generous donation of bottled water allowed the Lions Club to continue sales through the afternoon. Because we serve the sight and hearing needs of residents throughout Levy, Dixie, and Gilchrist counties, we are grateful Ms. Galyean helped the Lions Club in our time of need, making the day a strong fund-raiser for us.

Again, congratulations to all of those who made this such a wonderful event for Cedar Key.


Ruth E. Hernandez
Treasurer, Cedar Key Lions Club

P.O. Box 68
Cedar Key, Florida 32625

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