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Is Bush on a Mission from God?

Is Bush on a Mission from God?

Letters to the Editor

Recently, Pat Robertson disclosed he had a conversation with the President prior to the Iraq invasion. According to Mr. Robertson, he advised the President to prepare for casualties. The President replied that the invasion of Iraq was a mission from God and there would be no casualties.

The President now denies this statement to Mr. Robertson. Personally, I find it hard to believe that Pat Robertson would create such a lie, or that he misunderstood the President's incredible revelation.

I believe God does at times communicate with people and may send them on missions. However, I think God's information on casualties would have been much more accurate. I for one do not think this is a Holy war ordered by God. On the other hand, if the President truly believes he is carrying out God's direct order, it would explain his absolute refusal to admit even the smallest mistake or error in judgment. If God ordered the invasion, it must be perfect.

I ask you to draw your own conclusion on the conversation with the President as told by Pat Robertson, but I have decided to vote for a change in leadership.

Tom Lenhart

Rocky River, Ohio 44116

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