


Letters to the Editor: Another Letter
April 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: And Another Letter
April 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
April 10th, 2006

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April 4th, 2006

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April 2nd, 2006

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Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
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Letters to the Editor

To: Cedar Key Advisory Committee on Sidewalks & Trails to the State Museum

Rob Crane, Chair
Bill DeLaino
Ruth Hernandez
Peggy Herrick
Ada Lang
Jay Myers

In response to your letter of 12 October 2004, welcoming comments on your proposed development of a 5` wide sidewalk along the east side of Gulf Boulevard and the south side of Hodges Avenue with a 2` buffer from the edge of the pavement, terminating at the Florida State Museum, both Gypsy and I, vehemently, oppose this plan. We have absolutely no idea where or why this idea of a sidewalk to the Florida State Museum originated?????????? And before this sidewalk idea, where in the world did a `Gulf Trail` plan originate?????

I walk on an irregular basis while Gypsy takes her walking quite seriously and walks consistently on a daily basis. I have no complaint with walking on our roads and Gypsy has never mentioned a need for a sidewalk. As most Cedar Key walkers and runners feel, we are just fine with walking on our roads. We have been doing it for many, many years; for as long as we have lived here! We find our roads quite ample; how wonderful is that... .that we have so little traffic that we are able to walk and run on our roads and even stop and `chat` (often for long periods of time!) because we have such light traffic. That is one of many reasons why BOTH the locals and the out-of-town visitors love being in our friendly little town of Cedar Key. We can enjoy nature, SIMPLY.

As a local business owner, Gypsy has never heard a complaint from either a local or an out-of-town visitor, indicating a need for a sidewalk to the Florida State Museum. She recommends visiting the State Museum, as well as the Historical Museum and many other local points of interest on "the" Island, to the many people visiting her shop. Visitors always want to know what Cedar Key is all about and what`s to do, etc.: " which way is this and what way is that". But, NEVER has anyone been upset about not having a sidewalk out to the museum. In fact, it is totally the opposite, everyone loves the fact that there is no `structured` walkway to the museum or to the cemetery or really to any specific place on our Island.

So far, Cedar Key has not been ruined by newly constructed, double-wide cement walkways or oversized trails and matching street lights and a lot of unnecessary, undesirable, gentrification. The mere fact that Cedar Key has remained a small, nature-loving, fishing village, artist community far away from the `beaten` path is what makes it such a charming place to visit. Where else can you go in Florida and find `nature` at it`s finest? Why do you want to start making it another town of cement?

If you need to spend some money, why not spend it on something useful? Why not spend it on developing something that all Cedar Key residents could use? Here are just a few alternative suggestions to your sidewalk construction plan.

Create a clean, decent public restroom building, with `real` toilets and sinks. Make it more accessible to our `downtown`, business district.

Build a swimming pool for the children and adults of Cedar Key.

IF you are adamant on having a sidewalk, why not extend the sidewalk in downtown Cedar Key on BOTH sides of Main Street (2nd St.) all the way down to `G` street; making our historic-downtown district `walker-friendly` coming and going.

As a home-owner on Gulf Boulevard where your silly sidewalk would be developed, we are "dead-set" against it. I do NOT want a sidewalk. Gypsy does NOT want a sidewalk. If, we thought it was a real necessity, we might feel differently. We think it is a waste of time and money. We do not want to have more garbage thrown into our yard. We do not want our privacy invaded. We do not want our new little trees to be harmed, ESPECIALLY when it is totally UNNECESSARY. We will not sit back and be passive about this sidewalk. Please re-think your plans of development.

Thank you.

Wells B. Hamlin (Sailor)

Cc – Cedar Key News

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