


Letters to the Editor: Complacency or Vigilance?
September 21st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Freedom to Read is Basic
September 20th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Lutterloh Fund Grows
June 15th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Airport Safety
June 12th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter Praises McCain
May 26th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Grandma`s Boys
May 25th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
May 24th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
May 21st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You from Vanessa Edmunds
March 19th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
March 16th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Historic Preservation, Individual Property Rights and Public Policy
February 4th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Response to Comp Plan Workshop
February 1st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
January 30th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Cedar Key Snow Angel Visits Montana
January 2nd, 2008

Letters to the Editor: "Letter to the Editor"
September 12th, 2007


Parking Regulations on Route for Cedar Key?

Parking Regulations on Route for Cedar Key?

Letters to the Editor

An article written by Shiloh Gunn which recently appeared in the Beacon entitled "Parking 101" was poignant, cleverly written and should be read by every single politician and regulator that has anything to do with this outrageous concept of legislating parking in Cedar Key. It should especially be read by our City Commissioners and our Mayor. They should also read all of the wonderful articles written about Cedar Key, and focus upon "why" people come here.

As Shiloh Gunn points out, there will be NO NEED for parking spaces since people simply won't come to Cedar Key! Those that do show up, will leave disillusioned. Word of mouth advertising will kick in, which is very powerful. Especially when the message is a negative one.

My wife and I purchased a home in Cedar Key about two years ago. One of the main reasons we chose to become part of the Cedar Key community was the extraordinary charm, and its lay-back ambiance.

The thought of seeing 100+ "No Parking" signs littering the landscape, plus the tension created by Gestapo-like "Parking Enforcers" (which will surely come) is so disconcerting, that I may even sell my home and look for another friendlier community that has less government.....or at least a government that exhibits common sense!

As some have suggested,, this whole issue may not be a question of LAW, but of economics. Issuing parking tickets will become a significant source of revenue. If that is the case, and notwithstanding the concept of extortion, I would gladly pay my pro-rata share in advance, so all of us and our visitors could continue to enjoy the wonderful ambiance of Cedar Key as it is today.

If not enough residents are willing to ante up for the Parking Extortion Fund, then I suggest we all get together and have a Parking Fund Fund Raiser on July 4th of every year. It's a great date to act upon, and contemplate such matters. Perhaps the Parking Fund Fund Raiser could be based upon the sale of authentic NO PARKING SIGNS, with each signed by our local city leaders. I'll subscribe and pay for 100 of them. Surely, they would become valuable collectibles.

Alternatively, charity coin boxes denominated "The Park Anywhere Charity Box" could also work quite well, and would probably get great press throughout the state and the nation! I`m certain that every single local merchant would put one in their place of business. Perhaps the leading local bait shop would even cooperate.

To our leaders: Please THINK, and serve the interests of your constituents!

Craig Van Pelt

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