


Letters to the Editor: Best Friends for Life
December 12th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Merry Christmas Cedar Key
December 8th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Go GW Go!
November 29th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: How Can You Tell It`s Hunting Season?
October 17th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Fishing in Cedar Key
October 16th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Medically Needy Program Changes
June 25th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Support Your Local Police
May 30th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: County Budget Questions
May 27th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Good Publishing!
May 12th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Toxic Dumping in Gulf Waters
May 11th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Tribute for Our Hometown Hero
May 7th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: An Election Opinion
May 1st, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Historic Event in Cedar Key
April 19th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Marines Call with Words of Sympathy
April 2nd, 2003

Letters to the Editor: With Deepest Sympathy
March 28th, 2003


Register to Vote

Register to Vote

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

Voting is one of the most valuable rights we have. Because we are a small city, each of our votes is important.
I urge all eligible citizens to assure that they have registered, and to turn out and vote in the elections on May 3rd. The last day to register to vote is Monday, April 4th. If you will have left the island before May 3rd, an absentee ballot can be obtained and submitted prior to your departure. Registration and absentee ballots can be completed at the City Hall.

Bob Treat

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Cedar Key News