


Letters to the Editor: Osama Still Taunting America
November 2nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Is Bush on a Mission from God?
October 27th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Former Students Offer Their Support
October 24th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Brett Beauchamp - the Right Man for the Job
October 23rd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thank You for Making the Parade a Success!
October 22nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Whooping Cranes Begin Annual Migration to Florida
October 11th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Why are so Many People Running for Sheriff?
October 11th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Everyone Loves A Parade
October 9th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Changes to the Gulf Trail Project
October 5th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Gulf Trail Letter Rebuttal
September 22nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Global Warming and Hurricanes
September 19th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Request for Tide Surge Information
September 10th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thanks for the Storm Coverage
September 9th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Evacuation Orders - Are They Necessary?
September 4th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: The Gulf Trail`s Future
September 2nd, 2004


Term Limits

Term Limits

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor:

In 1992 Voters said "YES" to term limits by an overwhelming 78% of the vote. Recent polls show voter support is even higher today. Now some arrogant politicians in Tallahassee are sneaking in a proposal to dilute term limits and extend their stay in power. Citizens should be aware of this back door attack and put legislators on notice that we will not sit still while they take away our precious and hard-fought
rights for term limits.

We will target all sponsors, supporters and legislators who vote for such a bill to permanently "term limit" them by voting them out of office the next time they come up for re-election.

Jack Gargan
Cedar Key, FL

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