


Letters to the Editor: Best Friends for Life
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Letters to the Editor: Toxic Dumping in Gulf Waters
May 11th, 2003

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Letters to the Editor: With Deepest Sympathy
March 28th, 2003


Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor,
I am thankful Linda Young, Director of Clean Water Network of Fl., Inc., came to speak with us about Perry`s Buckeye Pulp Mill which makes baby diaper "fluff" for Proctor and Gamble Corporation. They are planning to build a pipeline to the Gulf of Mexico to dump the discharge rather than to continue dumping into the Fenholloway River.

I knew dioxin was a problem there but I did not know that dissolved oxygen meant water with no oxygen in it which kills everything that needs oxygen to live, the solids drown out sunlight so the grasses die, excess nutrients cause algae bloom and on and on and on.

For full information log onto or contact Linda at the Florida Clean Water Network at 517 Beverly St., Tallahassee, Fl., 32301.

What is even worse is that this polluting of the 26 miles of the river and 15,000 acres of wetlands have been granted by our state since Buckeye began operations in the 1950s.

There were guests from Maine and Michigan at this meeting who informed us their pulp mills now reclaim all their discharge and there is 0 pollution.

What we need to do is demand 0 TOLERANCE of polluting in Florida. People visit us for our fish, water and birds- tourism and clamming ARE OUR ECONOMY, so LET`S CLEAN IT UP!

Another suggestion at the meeting was that we stop buying all Proctor and Gamble products until Buckeye cleans up!

By the way, that foul stench we wake-up to occasionally IS the Fenholloway River.

Sincerely, Mary Inskeep

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