


Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Eagles` Membership Deserves Explanation
November 23rd, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Thanks From Lions Club
November 16th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Carefully Consider Changes to Redfish Limits
October 21st, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Cedar Key is Alive and Well
October 4th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Accolades
August 6th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Bully in the Neighborhood
July 11th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Dennison Expresses Thanks for Fireworks
July 7th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Answers to Letter
June 3rd, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Funds, Opinions Sought for Fireworks Display
May 31st, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter: Do the Math
May 30th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Losing Respect for Law
May 28th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: "Thank You" From Scott Dennison
May 27th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Arts Show Plans
April 16th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
March 13th, 2010

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor: Representative Government
February 26th, 2010


Pipeline Letter

Pipeline Letter

Letters to the Editor

Dear Editor,

I am writing to tell you and your readers why I was
one of those in the protest at the Lion's Club on
March 9th 2006. There are several reasons I am
opposed to the pipeline dumping the waste from the
Buckeye Mill into our waters.

I am a father of three children and I would like them
to have a future in the town of Cedar Key. If we let
that pipeline deal go through we will lose our way of
life here in Cedar Key. A life that was built on the
hard work of the men and women that built the town
that we all call home now. There are whole
generations of families that grew up here and I am
sure that all of us want to see future generations
grow up here as well.

If the Buckeye Mill pipeline goes through you will see our waters and the life in it destroyed. That could mean the death of the clamming business that is now the backbone of this great town. It would kill or render the oyster inedible and put a whole lot of good people out of work and looking for a new way of life.
The people fishing for a living would be hurt by this
in the same fashion.

The restaurant owners better sit up and take notice
and look to their business for if the waters dies so
does their business for we will not have those coming
here to enjoy the water and filling their pockets with
out-of-town money. Those who own the motels will lose
out just as bad.

In short the town of Cedar Key will die if the water
dies so think and say no to this pipeline and save our
Robert Rowe

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