


Letters to the Editor: Term Limits
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Letters to the Editor

Letters to the Editor


October 11,2002
Dear Cedar Key News,

This letter is in response to the editorial discussing the question of whywe are going to war in Iraq. In my view the main reason we are going to warin Iraq is to defend our nation from people who who wish to kill all the Jews and Christians in the world.

For the past thousand years, they have only been able to kill Jews because Jews live in that region of the world and are available for killing. But today due to modern modes of transportation and communication, they are able to reach past their region and bring this war of extermination to our
shores. Osama bin Laden, Sadam Hussein, and Muammar Khadafy, have trained and sent out terrorists directly to kill American citizens all over the world, and now here at home. But the other Arab leaders have sent hundreds of millions of dollars to the different Arab terrorist networks and are therefore also guilty of this conspiracy to kill Jews and Christians as well.

Do not get confused with discussions of oil lobbyists, or any other motive,it is the survival of our way of life as free people that is at stake here. If we just sit back and allow this threat to continue to grow, our citizens will be fighting this war until kingdom come.

The French could have knocked off Hitler in two weeks when he broke the Versailles Treaty and began to build military weapons illegally. France paid an enormous price for their vacillation. Sadam Hussein is today breaking the treaty that he signed at the end of the Gulf War, which allowed him to stay in power only if he dismantled his weapons of mass destruction. But instead, he is building more. Who do you think he intends to kill with those weapons? If we allow him to continue to build these weapons we will pay the same price the French did for attempting to appease
an insane dictator. Millions of lives will be lost, and most of them right here at home. It is the President`s number one job to defend our nation from this sort of threat. Put all the political whining away for a moment and realize that this is a real threat and we better all pull together and begin to support our national leaders before it is too late.

Mike Segal

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