


Letters to the Editor: Best Friends for Life
December 12th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Merry Christmas Cedar Key
December 8th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Go GW Go!
November 29th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: How Can You Tell It`s Hunting Season?
October 17th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Fishing in Cedar Key
October 16th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Medically Needy Program Changes
June 25th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Support Your Local Police
May 30th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: County Budget Questions
May 27th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Good Publishing!
May 12th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Toxic Dumping in Gulf Waters
May 11th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Tribute for Our Hometown Hero
May 7th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: An Election Opinion
May 1st, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Historic Event in Cedar Key
April 19th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Marines Call with Words of Sympathy
April 2nd, 2003

Letters to the Editor: With Deepest Sympathy
March 28th, 2003


Thankful For Cedar Key`s Honest, Good, Caring People

Thankful For Cedar Key`s Honest, Good, Caring People

Letters to the Editor

June 24, 2006

Letter To The Editor: Cedar Key, Florida

My daughter, her husband, my wife and I were in Cedar Key, Florida on vacation June 19,2006 and took a boat tour with Captain Fred to hunt sand dollars and then visit Cedar Island (where the pencil factory was). Everyone got off the boat at the pier to explore the island and search for sand dollars.

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My wife who has difficulty walking, and I returned to the boat before the others. When she stepped on the boat, it pushed away from the pier and she fell into the water, in our struggle, we lost my wallet which was in her pocket. The men and I searched until dark and returned again the next day at low tide but was unable to locate the lost wallet. So we had little choice except to turn it over to the Lord and enjoy the rest of our vacation.

It just seemed unrealistic to believe that the wallet would ever be located in an area as huge as the Gulf of Mexico. But 0- Ye of little faith, on Friday June 23 on our way home Chief Castille (sic) called to tell us that someone had found the wallet on a beach and he would mail it to us.

We were unaware at the time that several items had washed out of the wallet and onto another beach. When we returned home we had a message from Ms. Linda that her husband Doug and their sons had been fishing and had found several more valuable items that had washed out of the wallet. She then carried the items to the chief to be mailed to us. Talk about being excited! We are so grateful to him and to all the honest people who had a part in proving that there are still honest, good, caring people in our world. Especially in Cedar Key, Florida.

We appreciate all of you and We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for such a happy ending.

Earl & Dot Jones Opp, Alabama

P.S. We are spreading the word about what a wondetful place Cedar Key is and we will be returning the first chance we get.

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