


Letters to the Editor: Complacency or Vigilance?
September 21st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Freedom to Read is Basic
September 20th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Lutterloh Fund Grows
June 15th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Airport Safety
June 12th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter Praises McCain
May 26th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Grandma`s Boys
May 25th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
May 24th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
May 21st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You from Vanessa Edmunds
March 19th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
March 16th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Historic Preservation, Individual Property Rights and Public Policy
February 4th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Response to Comp Plan Workshop
February 1st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
January 30th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Cedar Key Snow Angel Visits Montana
January 2nd, 2008

Letters to the Editor: "Letter to the Editor"
September 12th, 2007


Tax Reaction

Tax Reaction

Letters to the Editor

Re: Tax Increases

We bought property in Cedar Key over 10 years ago, with the hope of eventually retiring there. We visit fairly often and love the history, great sunsets, proximity to nature, and friendly people.

We are now considering building a house, but the proposed tax increases have us concerned. Our property taxes have gone up dramatically over the past few years and will just about double if the proposed changes are enacted. With more than one lot for breathing space, and a house, we wonder where this is going. Will Cedar Key become completely unaffordable? How can these increases be justified?

We would like to add our names to the list of those who think these tax increases are unfair and exorbitant.

Jim & Grace Savage

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