

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
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Another Letter to the Editor

Another Letter to the Editor

Letters to the Editor

Gainesville, Florida

Thank you for including with the April 16 issue of your newspaper the insert entitled, $7 Million Per Day to Israel Hurts Everyone--Especially Americans.

I visited Cedar Key for the first time this past weekend, the weekend of the Old Florida Celebration Of the Arts. I worked as a pedicab driver for Cedar Keys Rickshaw.

Like most of us who have grown up in our Judeo-Christian society, I believed that Israel was God`s special nation, that it enjoyed his favor and that we should always support Israel. I think that these beliefs have come primarily from reading and from hearing read from pulpits the Christian Bible.

Over many years, mostly through reading and listening to news reports, I have become convinced that the modern state of Israel--like our nation--is a rogue nation that has been committing many abuses.

The inclusion in your newspaper of the insert on Israel has provided to your readership many, disturbing yet little-known facts about the abuses of Israel and our nation`s enabling of those abuses. The insert also has provided the address of an outstanding Internet, that provides a comprehensive and ongoing account of those abuses and our nation`s support of them. Your newspaper has brought us a little closer to the day when Israel and our nation respects the sovereignties and rights to self-determination of all nations and peoples.

Thank you again.

Very Sincerely,

Mark Venzke

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