


Letters to the Editor: Best Friends for Life
December 12th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Merry Christmas Cedar Key
December 8th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Go GW Go!
November 29th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: How Can You Tell It`s Hunting Season?
October 17th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Fishing in Cedar Key
October 16th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Medically Needy Program Changes
June 25th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Support Your Local Police
May 30th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: County Budget Questions
May 27th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Good Publishing!
May 12th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Toxic Dumping in Gulf Waters
May 11th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Tribute for Our Hometown Hero
May 7th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: An Election Opinion
May 1st, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Historic Event in Cedar Key
April 19th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Marines Call with Words of Sympathy
April 2nd, 2003

Letters to the Editor: With Deepest Sympathy
March 28th, 2003


Cost of Solar Panels Questioned

Cost of Solar Panels Questioned

Letters to the Editor


My wife and I truly enjoy your newspaper. Thank you for the service you provide. Keep up the good work.

Having read the Cedar Key News article of June 25, 2009, concerning the installation of Solar Panels in the Community Center, some questions came to my mind.

1- What is the average monthly electric bill and how much Kilowatt Hours are used for the Center?
2- How much usable power will the solar panels provide based on a 365-day year? Is it 100% or less?
3- How much money will the solar panels save?
4- How long will the system last and how long will the system perform as designed?
5- What are the yearly maintenance and service (including batteries) costs for the system?
6- Will we save more money by using the panels or would it be better to pay the electric bill?

The cost of $42,000.00 is a great deal of money, and we, the tax payers are the ones who will pay for this system. Since I am paying for a part of it, I would like to know my money is well spent.

My preliminary figures cause me much concern. $42,000.00 over 20 years comes out to $2,100.00 per year. $2,100.00 divided by 12 months a year comes out to $175.00 per month. If the center pays less than $175.00 per month for the power bill, did we get a good deal? I did not include maintenance and repairs in my calculations, even though they are a factor.

With our current economic conditions, unemployment near 10%, high energy costs and Cap & Trade looming in our future, did we make a sound investment? Or did we just spend the money because $20,000.00 was there for the taking? I would appreciate the answers if you can provide them.

Thank you.
Frank Kozak
Cedar Key

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