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Letters to the Editor: Gulf Trail Letter Rebuttal
September 22nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Global Warming and Hurricanes
September 19th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Request for Tide Surge Information
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Letters to the Editor: Thanks for the Storm Coverage
September 9th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Evacuation Orders - Are They Necessary?
September 4th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: The Gulf Trail`s Future
September 2nd, 2004


Letter to the Editor

Letter to the Editor

Invigorating Strength found in Cedar Key

I dragged my tired body to the new Strength and Flexibility class this Wednesday afternoon at the Lions Club. I wasn`t quite sure whether I should go or not, tried to find all kinds of excuses for skipping it, but then - with being the New Year and such - I did go.

Arriving there, I found an enthusiastic group of ladies (and even one man) ready to go! There were all kinds of us, young and older, tall and short, slim and . . . you get the drift, but all were ready to get their bodies moving. And that we did! Under the fantastic guidance of Juliana(Larson) we moved every part in our body, flexing and bending as much as we could, Juliana always being watchful that we didn`t hurt ourselves by doing it wrong or going at it too hard.

We joked and had fun and encouraged each other,it was "cool" (as they say nowadays). At the end of the hour I felt like a new person, full of energy and ready to take on the world.

Thank you, Juliana, for bringing this opportunity to our community and thank you, Lions Club, for letting us use your facility, it is a great service to the community. More participants are always welcome, come and check it out, each Wednesday afternoon at 3:30pm.

Call Juliana at 543-5003 to find out more details.

Ilse Holling
16871 Sturgis Circle
Cedar Key, FL

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