


Letters to the Editor: Best Friends for Life
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Letters to the Editor: How Can You Tell It`s Hunting Season?
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Letters to the Editor: Fishing in Cedar Key
October 16th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Medically Needy Program Changes
June 25th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Support Your Local Police
May 30th, 2003

Letters to the Editor: County Budget Questions
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Letters to the Editor: Good Publishing!
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Letters to the Editor: Toxic Dumping in Gulf Waters
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Letters to the Editor: Tribute for Our Hometown Hero
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Letters to the Editor: An Election Opinion
May 1st, 2003

Letters to the Editor: Historic Event in Cedar Key
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Letters to the Editor: Marines Call with Words of Sympathy
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Letters to the Editor: With Deepest Sympathy
March 28th, 2003


Letter to the Editor: Representative Government

Letter to the Editor: Representative Government

Letters to the Editor


Our founding fathers chose the form of government that we use after careful consideration. Pure democracy was used by the ancient Greeks and proved to be unwieldy and ineffective. But our founding fathers wanted the people to have the right to govern themselves. Representative democracy was chosen so the people could elect a smaller number to manage their government in the manner that the people desired.

A recent random survey of about one third of the households in Cedar Key determined that 81% wanted curbside recycling pick up and also were willing to reduce trash/garbage pick ups to once per week. The once weekly (trash and curbside recycle) pickup would help to keep costs in line and result in a common sense solution. As people recycled more the need for trash pickup would be reduced. 81% of the random sample said this was the way they wanted the next five year waste contract to be negotiated and implemented.

Our system of government is not perfect and the elected representatives do not always carry out the desires of those who elected them. But there are always subsequent elections when the people can hold their representatives accountable and make changes if appropriate.

I believe that the Cedar Key Commissioners will carry out their responsibilities in this issue. Commissioners are also citizens and might privately oppose the changes that are being discussed. But their role, as elected representatives, is to rise above personal desires and carry out the will of the people. Apologies for the history discussion. But sometimes I think that all of us get personally involved in an issue and lose sight of what our roles are.

Thank you.
Dale Register

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