


Letters to the Editor: Complacency or Vigilance?
September 21st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Freedom to Read is Basic
September 20th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Lutterloh Fund Grows
June 15th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Airport Safety
June 12th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter Praises McCain
May 26th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Grandma`s Boys
May 25th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
May 24th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
May 21st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You from Vanessa Edmunds
March 19th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
March 16th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Historic Preservation, Individual Property Rights and Public Policy
February 4th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Response to Comp Plan Workshop
February 1st, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
January 30th, 2008

Letters to the Editor: Cedar Key Snow Angel Visits Montana
January 2nd, 2008

Letters to the Editor: "Letter to the Editor"
September 12th, 2007


Letter to the Editor: Candidate Responds

Letter to the Editor: Candidate Responds

Letters to the Editor


I read Mr. Feigin`s letter to the editor of the Cedar Key News entitled "No Endorsement Given". In our meeting on May 4 I sincerely believed that he endorsed me verbally. If I misunderstood our discussion, I regret it and certainly accept that he has not endorsed my candidacy. Thank you again to the voters of Cedar Key for your support on May 3 and please vote in the run off election on May 24!!

Dale Register

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