


Letters to the Editor: Term Limits
May 10th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Government Failure
May 10th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Americans Need a Smarter, Cleaner Energy Policy
April 26th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Accuracy in Reporting Needed
April 11th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Register to Vote
March 28th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Seeking Election
March 27th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Parking Regulations on Route for Cedar Key?
March 21st, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Re: Fees Have Rich Aroma
February 24th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: A Few Comments to the City Commission
February 12th, 2005

Letters to the Editor: Health Clinic a Win-Win Idea
December 21st, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thank You from Clothe A Child Program
December 9th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thank You and Congratulations
November 8th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Sidewalks???
November 5th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Introducing Hilltop Alternative School
November 5th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thank You to All Those Who Participated
November 3rd, 2004


Letter: Time for a New Face

Letter: Time for a New Face

Letters to the Editor


Cedar Key has had the same City Commissioners for a few years now. If you have been to many of their meetings (as I have) you probably wonder why the same faces are still there. Mayor O`Neal, my opponent, voted against the successful recycling program --- twice. The first time he said he disagreed with the contract wording. The second time he said he voted against it "on principle, because he voted against it the first time" (reference April 28 issue of the Cedar Key Beacon). Recycling is now saving Cedar Key over $1400 per month (and growing) in addition to the environmental positives.

Cedar Key deserves more professionalism and more common sense. With almost 40 years of business experience I believe I can help the city commission improve. I care about our island city as you do. Please vote on May 24. It is time for a new face!

Dale Register

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