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Letter To Editor

Letter To Editor

Scott Dennison

Recently as a Cedar Key CRA/Commission member (CK/CRA) I voted against the funding of repairs requested by the Cedar Key Water & Sewer District (CKWSD).

At the request of our taxpayers and local newspapers (who require brevity) I stated my opposition in 3 simple sentences. This has led to verbal and written assaults by the CKWSD Board to suppress questions. This was their similar reaction when Cedar Key citizens requested they reduce the trihalomethanes (TTHMs) in our water supply.

The CKWSD was created by the Florida legislature 30+ years ago with the specific legal obligation to maintain, repair, and operate the Cedar Key water & sewer system which is leased to them by the taxpayers of Cedar Key.

Let me first assure the Cedar Key taxpayers the CK/CRA members and myself, by all my past votes, have agreed to help fund the CKWSD in our joint efforts as community partners. I have voted for and supported the use of $1.6M+ CK/CRA tax dollars to repair and upgrade the system.

What I was shocked at was the demand to yet fund again additional repairs in less than 2 weeks after the completed Utilities Projects were accepted by the CKWSD. Yes the repairs needed to be made, but why cannot the CKWSD fund the repairs themselves? Are there more "excluded" pipes? Does the CKWSD board not have the funds?

The CKWSD did utilize the resources of accountants, consultants, and industry experts to rationalize their property tax and utilities rate structure. Yes the CKWSD is unique in also assessing a property tax.

But based upon the phone calls I have received about the CKWSD rates and new meters, the question must be asked - but can Cedar Key families and businesses afford it?

Scott Dennison
City of Cedar Key
Commissioner - Seat 2

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