


Letters to the Editor: Another Letter
April 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: And Another Letter
April 11th, 2006

Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
April 10th, 2006

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April 4th, 2006

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Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
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March 1st, 2006

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Letter To Editor - CK TNR

Letter To Editor - CK TNR

Lisa Freyre.

have been part of Cedar key for 18+ years. I am truly shocked, that the TNR program is going to close. What a mistake this is going to be. 5 years ago when I would go into Cedar Key the cat population was overwhelming. But Because The Bauer`s & a few volunteer & I really do mean FEW, took it upon themselves to help the City & outside City limits, as far as Rosewood, also up CR 347, what a difference has been made. The are alot of cat colonies within all these areas,most people do not even know about. But for those of us who go out of are way to feed & care for them( because of our role models "THE BAUER`S") they are very visual. If this program was not in place I truly can NOT image WHAT the population would be today.

The County, did not have to waste $$`s on Animal Control , looking for cats that do not want to be found. Its very time consuming & takes alot of patience.

I did NOT see any local officials stepping up about this issues, but residences stood up & took control. I can only imagine the cost that has occurred over the years mantaining this program. I know from personal experience they have helped MANY residences on & off the Island, who could NOT afford a local veterinary for there cats (outside, wild or feral). Trap Neuter Return (TNR). "STOPS" the Breeding!!!! What is wrong with that???

Honestly this makes me feel sick to know, that just when you can start to see a small light at the end of a tunnel. Someone shoots it out. REALLY????, is what is said, when you know that the answer is already there.
Doreen & Oliver Bauer opened my eyes, Now maybe I can also open someone eyes. I stand up & say. KEEP THIS PROGRAM OPEN. For those who care & have a voice & a heart, HELP!!

Thank you, Doreen & Oliver Bauer for all you have done. May your life be blessed.
Lisa Freyre

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