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Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
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Letters to the Editor: Letter to the Editor
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Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
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Letters to the Editor: Historic Preservation, Individual Property Rights and Public Policy
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Letters to the Editor: Thank You Note
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Letters to the Editor: "Letter to the Editor"
September 12th, 2007


Letter To Editor - CK TNR

Letter To Editor - CK TNR

Terri Dulong

Letter to the Editor:
With all the recent controversy over cats on our island and the TNR program, I wanted to give a round of applause for Doreen and Oliver Bauer and all other volunteers to have helped to make this program possible.

Whether you like cats or not, whether you`re for or against this program.....stray cats are inevitable in any community. We`re very fortunate to have this here on our island to at least try and keep the population and future litters under control. I`m so impressed with this program that I mentioned it in my recent book release and I`ve already gotten a multitude of fan mail asking if this was a fictional program and if not, they wish they had it in their community.

Lets all try to be part of the solution, rather than part of the problem. The cats are not going to go away and I feel we should be giving even more support to this program. So bravo to all of those who work so hard at this effort.
Terri DuLong
Cedar Key, Florida

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