


Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - RE : Oyster Prices
January 6th, 2012

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Oyster Prices
January 2nd, 2012

Letters to the Editor: TNR in Cedar Key
December 30th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - CK TNR
December 9th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - A Christmas Remembrance
December 9th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - Cedar Key T-N-R Legal Fund
December 8th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To The Editor - TRAP NEUTER AND HOARD?????
December 7th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To The Editor - Take a breath and put yourselves in the neighbor’s shoes
December 6th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - CK TNR
December 1st, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - CK TNR
November 30th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - CK TNR
November 29th, 2011

Letters to the Editor: Letter To Editor - CK TNR
November 29th, 2011

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Letter To The Editor - TRAP NEUTER AND HOARD?????

Letter To The Editor - TRAP NEUTER AND HOARD?????

Robert and Linda Geers, Nolen Freeman

The TNR program in Cedar Key has been the subject of several letters to newspapers, and if you are a Facebook fan, many posts. The general consensus of these letters and posts has been that the TNR program in Cedar Key is under attack, by inconsiderate neighbors whose aim is the elimination of the program and hurting the Bauers.

This is untrue!!!

Neighbors on either side have been subjected to the noxious odors emanating from the supposed "facility", and all neighbors most certainly did contact the Bauers before filing a complaint.

The TNR program is Trap, Neuter and RELEASE it is not TRAP NEUTER AND HOARD. Caging approximately 75 cats has nothing to do with TNR. We cannot raise goats and chickens in Cedar Key, we cannot stable horses. Why would anyone think a facility with 75 cats, in a residential neighborhood, could be allowed? The constant foul smell which does not go away, despite failed attempts to stop it, and the hordes of flies make neighborhood life miserable. Next door neighbors must keep their windows closed against the stench, and attempt to control the flies with fly stickers and swatters. We have no more Geckos which would have helped control flies, and our small bird population seems to have vanished. These cats routinely escape and wander the area, and then go back through the fence.

Cedar Key has a feral cat problem, and a properly run TNR program may have some effect, although there are many studies which would not agree. However, it can not be done in violation of the law,

Cedar Key has an excellent, well run sewage collection system and treatment facility, and no private septic systems are allowed. This was completed with government grants, and in particular was required to have no untreated septic waste, with the goal of protecting our clam industry, oysters and our marine life. . The effluent from currently about 75 cats, is now being dumped daily into what in effect is an open sewer, along with whatever chemicals are used in a failed attempt to control the odor. A heavy rain or hurricane would wash this into the estuary and environment we must protect, and quite possibly have a serious effect on our clam industry.

This supposed "Cat Sanctuary" is not and has never been a SANCTUARY. An animal sanctuary must be zoned and permitted, and can not be placed in an residential area with deed restrictions. It was never approved, never announced, just put in place. We believe the Bauers are in violation of the deed covenant prohibiting animal enterprises, and most certainly they are causing a noxious odor, amongst other things. It is not right or fair or acceptable for the neighbors to be placed, illegally, in this situation, which affects our quality of life and the value of our property and our health.

Would the Bauers want it next to the Faraway Inn? And if it were moved to the Inn site, what would the neighbors and guests have to say? When asked this question, Mr. Bauer would not give an answer, but spoke of construction noise in that area having bothered him. It is not the same, and it would insult your intelligence to explain. Of course they would not want it there, any more than you would want it in your neighborhood.

The neighbors suffer conditions which Bob Levesque, representing the Levy County Dog and Cat Rescue Group, called "Extremely unfortunate and uncomfortable" in his letter to the editor, Dec 1, 2011, Cedar Key Beacon.

We are not against TNR, we are against the location in an area where it should not be, against the smell and flies, and against lowering our property values. There are rules and laws governing the conduct of our affairs, and these need to be followed for the good of all, not ignored for the personal desires of a few.

Please give some thought to what you would do if placed in the situation in which we find ourselves, and if need be, come and smell the "roses" for yourself.

Concerned neighbors

Robert and Linda Geers
Nolen Freeman

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