


Letters to the Editor: Osama Still Taunting America
November 2nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Is Bush on a Mission from God?
October 27th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Former Students Offer Their Support
October 24th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Brett Beauchamp - the Right Man for the Job
October 23rd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thank You for Making the Parade a Success!
October 22nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Whooping Cranes Begin Annual Migration to Florida
October 11th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Why are so Many People Running for Sheriff?
October 11th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Everyone Loves A Parade
October 9th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Changes to the Gulf Trail Project
October 5th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Gulf Trail Letter Rebuttal
September 22nd, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Global Warming and Hurricanes
September 19th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Request for Tide Surge Information
September 10th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Thanks for the Storm Coverage
September 9th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: Evacuation Orders - Are They Necessary?
September 4th, 2004

Letters to the Editor: The Gulf Trail`s Future
September 2nd, 2004


What a Treat!

What a Treat!


Within a very short time I have become an addict to the CedarKeyNews. I check it out every time I log on to my computer and immediately go to the Food Section - not only because I enjoy food but mainly because I enjoy Joan Phelps` way of writing. All articles I have seen so far have been captivating. They don`t just give you a recipe; they provide interesting background information written with great knowledge combined with a marvelous sense of humor.

This doesn`t mean that I don`t find the other stuff interesting, but today I really wanted to thank Joan for sharing her knowledge with us "other cooks".

Ilse and C.S.Holling

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