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Arts & Crafts Festival Returns

Arts & Crafts Festival Returns

Jim Hoy & Maureen Landress

Colorful gourd birdhouses

The 2005 Cedar Key Arts and Crafts Festival was favored with perfect Spring weather April 16 and 17. Although festival attendance was light, many of the exhibitors reported good sales according to Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce President Dan Holland. As in past years, many local charities had food booths in City Park.

Funky street signs

The 2005 festival was sponsored by the Cedar Key Chamber of Commerce, a change from past years` sponsorship by the Cedar Key Lionesses Club. Chamber of Commerce President Holland expects next year`s festival to feature a juried art show and cash prizes. The proceeds from the 2005 festival will be used to expand the arts aspect of the 2006 festival.

Delicate glass art

Exhibitors at this year`s festival ran the gamut from fine art and pottery to colorful signs and candles. There were a number of booths offering exotic and unusual plants, and another where you could purchase books and meet the authors. The Friends of the Library held their annual book sale, and members of the Arts Center were on hand creating works of art for festival goers to observe.

Hand-crafted baskets made by local artisan Carol Dye

Exotic bromiliads

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