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CRA Director Search Narrows

CRA Director Search Narrows

Jim Hoy

The search for a Community Redevelopment Agency Director has narrowed from fourteen applicants to three, with a fourth applicant named as an alternative. After five meetings, the search committee, i.e. Lia King, Greg Lang, Cindy Leiner, Mayor Paul Oliver and Frank Pattillo recommended on June 6 Larry Frey, Jackie Gorman, and Elly Soto McKuen for job interviews by the City Commission. An alternative, M. Hudson was named for interview in the event that one of the above applicants withdraws.

The salary range of $65,000 to $75,000 may account for the large number of applicants. Those who were recommended by the search committee have much in common, and all have worked in Florida. Experience in budgeting, community projects and community redevelopment programs, particularly in waterfront communities, were strong points in the resumes of the recommended candidates.

Ruth Hernandez advised the Search Committee on methods of evaluating and ranking the applicants. Each applicant was evaluated on fourteen areas of experience and education by each member of the committee. They were also ranked by each committee member. The top seven were then discussed, and by consensus three were selected for recommendation to the City Commissioners for interviews.

Hiring a Community Redevelopment Agency Director is and important step in the floating of bond issues which are designed to ensure continuing return of Cedar Key tax dollars for redevelopment from the Levy County treasury.

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