


News: Former Mayor J.Q. Hodges Victimized
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Conservation Zone Map Reviewed

Conservation Zone Map Reviewed

Jim Hoy

The July 19 meeting of the Cedar Key Commission occurred with Commissioners Colson and Edmunds absent. That created a parliamentary complication in that the two non-mayoral commissioners needed each other for a motion to be made and seconded. The complication was twice resolved by forward laterals of the mayor's gavel to a commissioner so that the temporary non-mayor could second a motion. The Commission received three recommendations from the Local Planning Agency and two reports of no recommendation. As often happens, the Administrative Issues on the agenda included three items of interest, i.e., the rate of pay for the acting building official, possible golf cart regulation and the selection process for a Community Redevelopment Agency Director.

LPA Chair Greg Lang presented three recommendations for zoning map changes. First he reported no recommendation regarding James and Edwina Meade's request to change 1.02 acres from conservation zone to residential. Regarding a request by Carl and Emma Sensenig for 5.44 acres adjacent to the Meade property to be changed from conservation to residential, the LPA recommended against approval. On a request by the City to change from conservation to residential of 3.43 acres of Henry Brown Estates, the location of several houses, the LPA recommended against the change. A fourth request, by Ross and Dawn Buck, for change from conservation to residential, the LPA made no recommendation because of an evenly split vote.

The Commission heard arguments for and against the Meade and Sensenig requests on a joint basis. When Commissioner Pat O'Neal's motion to approve the requests was about to die for lack of a second Mayor Paul Oliver passed the gavel to Commissioner Heath Davis and then provided a second. The motion passed two to one with Davis voting against. Later the traveling gavel provided a second to Commissioner O'Neal's motion to change the status of the Buck property from conservation to residential, with Davis again being outvoted two to one. Rezoning of Henry Brown Estates passed unanimously, as did rezoning of the Cemetery Point property from residential to recreational. The actions of the Commission will result in first and second readings of enabling ordinances at future Commission meetings.

Under Administrative Issues, the compensation of Robert Niffenegger as Acting Building Official was determined to be $45.00 per hour, with no indication of the number of hours per week. Also, the City is now legally able to set regulation on the use of golf carts, and an ordinance will soon be presented. Lastly, the selection process for a Community Redevelopment Agency Director was outlined, with the full Commission plus the City Attorney and Chair of the LPA participating. Candidates for the directorship will be interviewed under a uniform format in a public workshop at a date to be determined.

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