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Cemetery Point Park Planning

Cemetery Point Park Planning

Jim Hoy

Debate on the proposed Cemetery Point Park dominated the August 2 City
Commission meeting. Good news regarding reconstruction of the "Big Dock" and paving of substandard streets was well received by a larger than usual audience. And as usual, discussion under the Administrative Issues agenda item opened the way for future action by the Commission.

Commissioner Heath Davis reported the recommendations of the Cemetery Point Park Task Force and moderated a heated discussion of ways to protect the sanctity of the cemetery while satisfying the state's requirements for a recreational facility nearby. Former Mayor Helen Johannesen and several other long-time residents of Cedar Key detailed the problems of having a park adjacent to the cemetery. The current abuse of the property proposed for the park concerns many people. Off-road driving, partying and vandalism were described. The Task Force's recommendation of allowing access to the park by water only was rejected immediately, but access by road was considered. Access by road along an existing easement between the cemetery and marshland would be acceptable to state officials. However, construction of that route would be expensive and would take space away from the cemetery. Jimmy Lawrence suggested that bus parking in the park could be avoided is busses would park in the aquaculture parking lot on Hodges Avenue. The need for a fence between the cemetery and the proposed park was then addressed. Commissioner Sue Colson's motion to build a fence was tabled after withdrawal of Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds' second. At Mayor Paul Oliver's suggestion, a representative of the Florida Community Trust will be asked to consider modifications of the current park development plan.

Commissioner Davis announced that paving plans, a cost of $150,000, were progressing. He also proposed Maurice Rix as a trainee for a job in the building department. He said that Mr. Rix is committed to other projects for eight months, but could prepare for the job under the tutelage of the Acting Building Official, Robert Niffenegger. However, because the job opening has not yet been advertised, no action was taken.

Commissioner Edmunds, relaying information from County Commissioner Lillie Rooks, said that Levy County appears to be eligible for $1,300,000 in federal funds for reconstruction of the Big Dock. One bid has been received. Final plans are not yet established. However, the same or a similar dock configuration is anticipated, but with finger piers elevated to the level of the dock so that future storm damage would be reduced.

Nancy Taylor raised a zoning issue, asking why a building in a residential area at the corner of Second and D Streets is being used for a scooter rental when a conditional use permit for offices only is in effect. The matter was referred to Acting Building Official Niffenegger by Mayor Oliver.

Housekeeping by the Commission included setting a tentative millage rate (4 mills) for the 2005-2006 budget, annexation of a property, adding parking for aquaculture purposes and approving $75,000 for design and permitting of beach restoration on G Street.

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