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Rock the Boat Art Show

Rock the Boat Art Show

Jim Hoy

The Cedar Key Arts Center opened its "Rock the Boat" show December 3. As the name of the show suggests, artists are encouraged to rock the boat and break new ground. Judges Chris CoConis and Jack Gargan awarded the prizes. First place was given to Terry Hitt for his photograph called "Touching." Second place went to Mike Leiner for an assemblage entitled "Dismas." Third place went to Joyce Patti for an ink drawing-watercolor of a group of whimsical sea creatures entitled "Fun with the Scrub." Honorable mention awards were given to Sandra Buckingham for a basket entitled "Sea Urchin," and Bill McNamara for a decorated cane that looks like a snake with a severe case of the epizooties. The show drew many entries and the opening was well attended.



Fun with the Scrub

Sea Urchin

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