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Kayak Race Fourth of July

Kayak Race Fourth of July

Jim Hoy

Cedar Key will host a two mile kayak race the afternoon of the Fourth of July. The race will start at 2:00 PM at the City Park. The course will be from City Park beach to the Fishing Bridge on Airport Road and back to the beach.

Racers will be in the following classes:
Men under 40 years old, kayak over 15 feet long
" " 40 " " " under 15 " "
" 40-59 " " " over 15 " "
" 40-59 " " " under 15 " "
" 60 + " " " over 15 " "
" 60+ " " " under 15 " "
Women under 40 years old, kayak over 15 feet long
" " 40 " " " under 15 " "
" 40-59 " " " over 15 " "
" 40-59 " " " under 15 " "
" 60 + " " " over 15 " "
" 60+ " " " under 15 " "

Medals will be awarded to first and second in each class. Also, medals will go to the fastest man and woman that are Levy County residents. T-shirt awards to all entrants.

The kayak race is co-sponsored by the Cedar Key Aquaculture Association and Cedar Key News. For additional information please call 352-543-6970 or send an e-mail to


July 4, 2006 Starting at 2:00 PM
Distance: 2 Miles
Fifteen Classes 1st & 2nd Place Medals
T-Shirts for all Entrants
Entry fee $10, $15 after June 20.
Print, clip and send to: CKAA, Box 315, Cedar Key, FL 32625

City________________________ State__ Zip______

Kayak length___ T-shirt size____ Age____ Sex: M F
(Make entry fee check payable to: CKAA)

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Cedar Key News