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Paving Project Completed

Paving Project Completed

Jim Hoy

Workmen beginning paving project at the corner of Merle and Sherril Streets.

A major street paving project was completed July 11 after years of lobbying efforts by residents of the lower Hodgson Hill area. Approximately eight blocks that included Merle, Sherril and Margery Streets and lower Hodgson and Jernigan Avenue were paved in two days.

After extensive preparation of the road base, paving proceeded rapidly. According to Building Official Robert Niffenegger, over three thousand square yards of the base needed preparation. A total of 9362 square yards of pavement were laid. The total cost of the job works out to be $156,792.00, based on preparation costs of $13.00 per square yard and paving costs of $12.50 per square yard. The project will be paid for with Community Redevelopment Agency funds.

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