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City Commission OK`s Citizens` Petitions & Emergency Management Plan

City Commission OK`s Citizens` Petitions & Emergency Management Plan

Jim Hoy

The August 15 meeting of the Cedar Key Commission addressed and approved three citizens' petitions and heard the annual auditor's report, in which there were no surprises.

Mike Hodges' petition requesting a bulkhead for protection of his home and clamming operation was approved by the Commission after a lengthy discussion. However, conditions accompanied the approval, namely that the bulkhead must not extend across the end of Pine Street which runs along the southwest side of the Hodges property and that a more accurate site map be prepared.

Margaret Murray and Bob Doyle requested a Certificate of Appropriateness for restoration and addition to a small house known as the Andrews House. Ken Edmunds presented the plan which has the tentative approval of the Historical and Architecture Review Board. At issue is the size and design of the building's front steps. Approval was granted.

Tom Maguran, speaking for the Cedar Key Eagles, explained a requested Certificate of Appropriateness for moving, restoring and expansion of the Eagles Club now located on B Street. The move would be to the corner of Third and A Streets. The move had been approved of by the Historical and Architecture Review Board and former Building Official Robert Niffenegger. The Commission approved the request after making it clear that the issues of parking and tree conservation will be considered at a later meeting when the detailed site plan is presented.

Under other agenda items, Commissioner Vanessa Edmunds opened discussion of relocating the Levy County Recycling Trailer. After considering several options, the Commission received an offer from Doris Hellermann to locate the trailer near her Sunset Laundramat. Details are to be worked out by Commissioner Edmunds and Ms. Hellermann. Furthermore, the Commission voted to adopt the draft Emergency Management Plan proposed by Commissioner Pat O'Neal. Commissioner O'Neal indicated that Levy County Sheriff and County Coordinator Fred Moody have expressed approval of the draft.

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