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News: S.H.I.N.E. Offering Extra Help
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News: Commission Denys Bulkhead and Splits on Ordianace 405
August 2nd, 2006

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News: Building Department Fees Approved
July 19th, 2006

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News: Muir Inspired Hikers
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News: Bachelor Auction Benefits School and Library
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News: Bulkhead Requests 1-1-1
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News: CK Commission Retreat June 15
June 19th, 2006


Cedar Key Tax Rate and Budget Set

Cedar Key Tax Rate and Budget Set

Jim Hoy

The public hearing of the Cedar Key budget for 2006-2007, held September 7, was attended by the Commission, the City Attorney, one citizen, one reporter, four City employees, one representative from the Fire Department and two from the Local Planning Agency. In eighteen minutes the Commission unanimously approved the budget and voted to set the millage rate at 3.125 mils, a reduction from last year's rate of 3.250 mils, and heard a report from the Fire Department. The millage rate results in a tax of $68.31 for each $100,000 of assessed taxable property.

The budget is balanced with revenues equal to expenses of $2,154,805. The departmental budgets and associated largest items are as follows: Clerk's Office, $246,682 with $70,000 for Attorney's fees; Police Department, $443,946 with Insurance $55,000; Fire Department, $117,451 with Equipment/Supplies at $30,000; Maintenance/Street Department, $197,500 with $30,000 for Insurance; Building Department, $243,363 with $75,000 for Feasability Study; Docks/Cemetery/Parks Department, $378,417 with $200,000 for Cemetery Point Project.

Under Non-departmental expenses, $100,000 was set aside for extra attorney's fees and $50,000 for contingencies.

The final budget hearing will be held September 18, 6:00 PM at City Hall.

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