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Bulkhead Requests Torpedoed

Bulkhead Requests Torpedoed

Jim Hoy

Requests for bulkhead construction permits again made a short agenda turn into a long night. Rehearing two previously rejected plans for bulkheads, the Cedar Key Commission approved just part of one plan and completely denied approval of another. In other business, two financial matters were resolved. In one case, the Celebration of the Arts, under the sponsorship of the Chamber of Commerce, was granted $7000 toward the expenses of the 2007 arts show, and Capri Engineering will receive $13,000 to bring up to date incomplete building permit inspections remaining from a previous administrator.

John and Connie Wonsik's rehearing of their request to replace and extend a bulkhead along two lots in Kiss-Me Quick met with the same objections raised earlier by Commission members. Protection of an elderly mobile home on one lot was the basis of the request. Bulkheads are permitted only for protection of existing structures. Discussion rambled from the bulkhead's cost versus the value of the structure to protection of property values in general. On a vote of four to one, with Commissioner Pat O'Neal dissenting, the Commission approved limited construction to protect the structure while rejecting the plan to extend the bulkhead along the second lot.

Brett Vincent's request for a bulkhead for his rental property on G Street generated a long rehash of an earlier hearing in which former Building Official Robert Niffenegger recommended a straight line connection between two existing bulkhead on abutting properties. Vincent argued that Niffenegger later approved a curving design, contrary to that approved by the Commission. (The pilings for the curving design were installed before the change in plans was recognized.) On a three to two vote, the Commission denied Vincent's currently executed plan, with Commissioners Vanessa Edmunds and Pat O'Neal dissenting. Vincent told Cedar Key News after the hearing that he will appeal in court.

Janet Blackwell, President of the Chamber of Commerce, requested that the Commission contribute $7000 toward the expenses of the 2007 Celebration of the Arts show. She said that the show will spend $15,000 for an Event Coordinator and $11,000 on advertising. Sales of T-shirts and posters and increased booth fees will be not enough to cover increased expenses over the 2006 show. The Commission voted four to one to give $7000 to the arts show. Commissioner Heath Davis voted against the gift.

Capri Engineering, which is now responsible for processing building permits in Cedar Key, reported to the Commission that there are no records of inspection for many previously issued building permits. Capri asked for $13,000 to finish the open cases. The Commission approved payment to Capri out of the General Fund. At least some of that expense may be covered by building permit fees collected in the past.

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