


News: Lions Club Building to Become City Community Center
August 17th, 2006

News: Technician/Code Enforcement Officer Begins Duties
August 10th, 2006

News: S.H.I.N.E. Offering Extra Help
August 6th, 2006

News: Student Authors Visit Commission Meeting
August 2nd, 2006

News: Commission Denys Bulkhead and Splits on Ordianace 405
August 2nd, 2006

News: Postmaster at Cedar Key
July 25th, 2006

News: Building Department Fees Approved
July 19th, 2006

News: Paving Project Completed
July 12th, 2006

News: Clamerica is Big Success
July 11th, 2006

News: Clamerica `06 Clicks
July 4th, 2006

News: Bachelor Auction Nets Rewards for Local Youth
July 3rd, 2006

News: Muir Inspired Hikers
June 25th, 2006

News: Bachelor Auction Benefits School and Library
June 23rd, 2006

News: Bulkhead Requests 1-1-1
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News: CK Commission Retreat June 15
June 19th, 2006


Tax Exemptions for Historic Buildings on Fast Track

Tax Exemptions for Historic Buildings on Fast Track

Jim Hoy

Tax relief for owners of historic buildings many become law even before Thanksgiving Day, based on Ordinance 414, approved of on first reading by the Cedar Key Commission October 17. Upon the suggestion of Stanley Bair, co-owner of the historic Island Hotel, and under agenda item "Administrative Issues", a thirteen page draft ordinance was given first reading and unanimously approved.

Ordinance 414 provides for ad valorum tax reductions of 100 percent for all improvements which result in restoration, 100 percent if the building is used for non-profit or government functions, or 50 percent if the use is commercial or non-profit. The key requirement is a building's designation as an historic structure.

The speed of action on Ordinance 414 was so that a second and final reading can be made at the November 14 Commission meeting and prior to a December 1 deadline for submission to the Levy County Property Assessor's office.

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