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Island Room Benefit for Cedar Key School

Island Room Benefit for Cedar Key School

Jim Hoy

Cedar Key School Principal Sue Ice (l.) accepting a donation from Peter and Gina Stefani.

Peter and Gina Stefani presented a check for $3534 to the Cedar Key School, money raised at the twelfth annual school benefit wine dinner put on by the Island Room Restaurant. Principal Sue Ice accepted the check on behalf of the school. The money will be used to enhance the learning facilities in the kindergarten and in support of the newly established FFA program at Cedar Key Middle School.

Principal Ice told Cedar Key News that the FFA is open to students taking the middle school agriculture class. FFA is essentially an extracurricular activity that develops leadership, speaking and vocational skills. The prospect for having FFA in the high school is very remote, due to state requirements that three high school classed be offered in agriculture.

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