


News: New Fire Chief for Cedar Key
June 12th, 2008

News: Plane Bound for Cedar Key Missing
June 7th, 2008

News: Big Dock Construction Update
June 5th, 2008

June 5th, 2008

News: Fire Chief McCain Resigns
June 4th, 2008

News: Interim Police Chief Named
June 4th, 2008

News: Fire Department Efforts Yield Lower Insurance Costs
June 1st, 2008

News: Horseshoe Crab Signs Inform Public
May 31st, 2008

News: Charges Pending in Fatality of Local Man
May 26th, 2008

News: Development Council Hears Overseas Investors Plan
May 24th, 2008

News: Terry "Red" Cole
May 24th, 2008

News: McCain Honored for 30 years of service
May 23rd, 2008

News: Police Department Update: May 21
May 21st, 2008

News: Proposed Noise Ordinance Tabled
May 21st, 2008

News: Over the Top!
May 20th, 2008


Police Report

Police Report

By Bubba Castell, Chief of Police

May 6, 2007, approximately 4:14PM, Officer Steven Ippolito was dispatched to Doug and Wendy`s Bait Shop at 12831 Whiddon Avenue reference a but:`glary. Upon Officer Ippolito`s arrival he was advised by the apparent victim, Mr. Doug Rains, that he had found a Mexican male inside the bait shop, although the shop was closed. Mr. Rains advised the Officer that he had locked the front door of the shop but the back door was unlocked. Too, there was a "Closed Sign" on the front door of the shop and the intruder had no reason to be inside the building. Mr. Rains asked the intruder what he was doing and he replied: "Looking for bait." The intruder was advised to leave the store and he left the store running. After he left Mr. Rains discovered several items missing and that is when he reported the incident to law enforcement. Officer Tom Rooks, Florida DEP, was asked to "Be On The Lookout" for a blue Honda with a Mexican male driving. Officer Rooks located the suspect and vehicle at Shell Mound, advising Officer Ippolito, who responded there to interview the suspect. The suspect, Mr. Daniel Lee Penney, Gainesville, FL, was asked if he had been at the bait shop on Whiddon Avenue; to which he replied: "I was and I was looking for bait." Officer Ippolito asked Mr. Penney if he could search his vehicle, and he agreed to allow the officer to do so. The items Mr. Rains had described as missing were found in Mr. Penney`s vehicle, which resulted in his arrest for burglary and theft. Also, a WIF, Ms. Melissa Ann Davis, Gainesville, FL, who accompanied Mr. Penney during the burglary was arrested for accessory after the fact; a Felony. Both were booked into the Levy County Jail, Bronson. Mr. Penney was booked in on (1) Burglary and (2) Petit Theft. Ms. Davis was booked in on the charge of Accessory after the fact.

Chief Bubba Castell was notified on May 10, 2007, approximately 8:10AM, that a burglary had occurred at Ann`s Other Place Restaurant on Dock Street and Ms. Ann O`Steen is standing by for an officer to investigate. Upon Chief Castell`s arrival Ms. O`Steen advised the intruder(s) apparently entered through a window that had been inadvertently left unlocked the previous night. Keys for other areas of the restaurant that had been left inside were located by the intruder(s) and were used to open doors to those areas; which were ransacked, as if the intruder(s) were looking only for money. The only missing items were two $10.00 rolls of quarters, which had been left in a container adjacent to the cash register. No major damage to the business was incurred, but an additional cost of replacing all the dead bolt locks was necessary due to the keys being taken. Investigation into the case is continuing by the Police Department.

May 10, 2007, approximately 3:21PM, Sgt. John McMullen was advised by Mr. Calvin Henderson, Cedar Key, that unknown persons had burglarized his boat, taking items valued at $581.00. Mr. Henderson stated he has no idea who may have taken the items, but anyone that may have knowledge of these two burglaries and will provide information will be compensated for their assistance in solving these cases.

May 13,2007, approximately 9:18PM Officer Steven Ippolito was dispatched to the Island Jiffy Store, 2181 Whiddon Avenue and SR24 reference a Battery charge.

Upon Officer Ippolito`s arrival he met with the victim, Mr. Carlos Aracena, Chiefland, FL, who stated he had been struck by a W 1M; later identified s Mr. William George Buesing, who kept entering the Jiffy Store asking for a free piece of pizza. Mr. Aracena stated he wanted to press charges, but Mr. Buesing could not be located at the time. Officer Ippolito filed a "Sworn Complaint" with the local State Attorney Office in Bronson, FL and a Warrant for the arrest of Mr. Buesing will be issued or a Notice to Appear in Court will be forthcoming.

,May 18, 2007, approximately 9:00PM Sgt. John McMullen responded to Frog`s Landing Restaurant and Bar reference a Battery complaint. Sgt. McMullen was advised that Cale B. Barber, Williston, FL, had been at Frogs landing, drinking, and creating a scene. The owner of Frog`s, James Statham, asked Mr. Barber to leave the restaurant, but he continued cursing. Mr. Barber then picked up a squeeze bottle of ketchup from the bar, throwing it at Mr. Statham, striking him in the chest. Mr. Barber left the scene but Sgt. McMullen located him at Coconuts Bar on Dock Street, where he was identified by Mr. Statham and one of his employees as the person striking Mr. Statham with the ketchup bottle. Mr. Barber was then arrested for simple battery; transported to the Levy County Jail and booked into the jail on the aforementioned charge.

May 20, 2007, approximately 9:41PM, Officer Mike Cosseboom responded to a disturbance call at the 2nd Street Jiffy Store, where he met with Mr. Terry R. Cole, Jr., Cedar Key, FL, who stated that a WIM, Joey K. Baker, Cedar Key, FL, had threatened to strike him with a golf club. Mr. Cole stated he had tried to talk Mr. Baker into putting the club down, but he refused to do so, continually threatening to do Mr. Cole bodily harm. Officer Mike arrested Mr. Baker, transported him to the Levy County Jail, booking him in on the charge of Aggravated Battery. Mr. Baker awaited first appearance.

June 2, 2007, approximately 1:30AM, Corporal Eddie Merritt observed a white pickup truck on 24 that appeared to be exceeding the posted 35MPH speed limit. Cpl. Merritt followed the vehicle and "paced clocked" him at speed of 54MPH. Too, he observed the vehicle almost strike the railing of #3 bridge. Cpt Merritt clocked the vehicle for approximately one (1) mile and initiated a traffic stop due to excessive speed and the drivers erratic driving. The driver, Mr. Michael Joseph Harvey, Williston, FL, stated he had been drinking when asked by Cpt Merritt. Mr. Harvey was asked to exit his vehicle and complied. He swayed while walking, appearing to be unbalanced and intoxicated. He agreed to do a battery of field sobriety tests, but subsequently failed all the tests. Cpt Merritt arrested Mr. Harvey for Driving Under the Influence of an alcoholic beverage; transported him to the Levy County Jail where he was offered an Intoxilizer Test to determine his "blood alcohol content." Mr. Harvey refused to participate, but he was booked in to the jail on the aforementioned charge of DUI. He awaited first appearance.

GOLF CART DRIVERS: You must be 18 years of age, with a valid driver`s license, to operate golf carts on the streets of Cedar Key. Too, Carts have been reported on

SR24, which, unless titled by the State of Florida, with a valid License Plate, as well as other additions required by law, is illegal. Please do not get caught on SR24 unless your cart is "street legal," including the license plate. Also, please remember: Cars and trucks have the right of way and you, as a golf cart driver, must yield to vehicles behind you at all times; pulling off the roadway allowing to pass, if
necessary. Golf carts are very beneficial to most of us, especially when operated according to the rules, but continuous violations of these rules could result in the temporary loss of driving a cart. Thanks to each and every one of you for complying with these established rules.


SCHOOLS OUT: Please be extra careful when driving through our little community as our children continue to be our most important asset. Too, the City Summer Program will begin June 18, 2007 and the children will be going back and forth to the School House, Monday through Thursday. PLEASE! Be extra careful when you see them crossing Whiddon Avenue or SR24 on their way to enjoy their day. Also, Parents, the children will be fed at the Cedar Key School lunchroom on a daily basis during the summer; this is provided by the Federal government through the Levy County School System.

Cedar Key is blessed by a young lady, Miss Grace Cowart, age 5, advised her parents she would like to do something for "sick children." The parents, Ms. Molly and Mr. Chris Cowart, located a program benefiting CHILDREN`S CANCER RESEARCH PROGRAM. Miss Grace, her parents, grandparents, Ms. Shirley Beckham and Ms. Phyllis Cowart, cousin Lindsey Edmunds, and several friends, distributed lemonade in front of Cedar Key City Hall on Friday and Saturday for donations. The lemonade was courtesy of ALEX`S LEMONADE ST AND FOUNDATION, who sponsors THE Children`s Cancer Research Program. Miss Grace, and her most able assistants, set a goal of $500.00 for the two days, which was exceeded on Friday, 07-08-07, with many people contributing in excess of $600.00. Saturday, 07-09-07, the faithful returned to City Hall, and collected approximately $400.00 for a two day total of $1001.02, as well as approximately $60.00 contributed on line. Thanks to you Miss Grace, your assistants and of all you who contributed to this most worthwhile organization. Ms. Cowart advised that 97% of the funds collected will go to the research program, which in itself is unbelievable. If you see Miss Molly around town tell her what a great job she did for the "sick children" of our Nation.

Remember: Tell your parents, children, extended family members and friends that you love them, as we never know when our time will end. I, as many of you, recently lost a very good friend, Larry Williams, who was called much too soon. Larry grew up in Cedar Key, graduating from Cedar Key High School more years ago that most of us want to admit. Larry, always a dedicated family man and friend to many, will certainly be missed by all of those he left behind and I am sure he was prepared at the time he was called. I certainly hope all of us will be ready when we are called.
Until next time be safe, always helping your neighbors, and may God continue to bless you and yours.

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