


News: Lions Club Building to Become City Community Center
August 17th, 2006

News: Technician/Code Enforcement Officer Begins Duties
August 10th, 2006

News: S.H.I.N.E. Offering Extra Help
August 6th, 2006

News: Student Authors Visit Commission Meeting
August 2nd, 2006

News: Commission Denys Bulkhead and Splits on Ordianace 405
August 2nd, 2006

News: Postmaster at Cedar Key
July 25th, 2006

News: Building Department Fees Approved
July 19th, 2006

News: Paving Project Completed
July 12th, 2006

News: Clamerica is Big Success
July 11th, 2006

News: Clamerica `06 Clicks
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News: Bachelor Auction Nets Rewards for Local Youth
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News: Muir Inspired Hikers
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News: Bachelor Auction Benefits School and Library
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News: Bulkhead Requests 1-1-1
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News: CK Commission Retreat June 15
June 19th, 2006


Big Dock Plans Go Forward

Big Dock Plans Go Forward

Jim Hoy

Geology and structural engineering plans for reconstruction of Cedar Key's Big Dock have been completed. Mills Engineering Company, which is coordinating the reconstruction effort, has sent out requests for bids to seven firms, with a July 2, 2007 deadline for responses.

Phil Chancey of Mills Engineering told Cedar Key News that bids may come in higher than the $1,300,000 Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) currently promised to Levy County.

If that happens, FEMA then will be asked to reconsider the original amount. The dock has been closed since late 2004 when storm damage made it unsafe. Levy County now owns the Big Dock and Dock Street as well. The City of Cedar Key has an agreement with Levy County to take ownership of the dock after it has been rebuilt.

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